For many business leaders, the most important professional decision they will ever make is the decision to buy or sell a company. The purchase of a company can create opportunities and accelerate growth in ways that are otherwise unattainable. However, if the buyer is not diligent in its review of the company to be purchased, the purchase of a company can also cause irreparable harm to the buyer.
On the other hand, the sale of a company can help the owner(s) monetize a lifetime of hard work. But if the seller is not prepared and does not understand the potential pitfalls one can encounter when selling a company, much of the potential value can be stripped away leaving the seller with much less than what was anticipated.
We regularly counsel buyers and sellers going through mergers and acquisitions of all shapes and sizes, across a wide range of industries. Our experience allows us to step in and help with every phase of the deal. We welcome the opportunity to work with other professionals on your advisory team and have a vast network of advisors we can connect you to if you need more thorough guidance on the non-legal aspects of your deal.